

📧 [email protected]

🔗 linkedin.com/in/paul-uncangco

👾 github.com/islandertron

<aside> 👋 I’m originally from Guam and currently residing in Boston, Massachusetts. With 5 years of experience as a software engineer, I specialize in full-stack web development using modern JavaScript, cloud services, databases, and APIs. I focus on creating scalable, responsive web applications while following agile methodologies.


⌨️ Experience

Full-Stack Developer

Gallaudet University, Washington D.C. – (Aug 2021 - Aug 2023)

Full-Stack Developer

The Learning Center for the Deaf, Framingham, Massachusetts – (March 2019 - Jan 2021)

Lead Web Developer

SendItLater, Cambridge, Massachusetts – (Jan 2017 - Jan 2018)

Hosted at Hostnotion – custom domains for Notion